Thursday, August 18, 2011


Welcome to our blog! As you can see, this is our first post as we travel through time. My name is Adele. My brother's name is Ace. We made an amazing discovery! Our computers can take us through time. We will also use our computers to tell you about it. Go Mac! Today I am typing. Let's begin.

The purpose of this blog is to share with you about our travels through time. We plan to start with traveling to many ancient civilizations, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.  Our computers can travel to any time or place, so be prepared to join us as we enjoy many sights and meet interesting people.

I enjoy filming, so I am particularly interested in getting to film the people of each time period.  Ace is interested in seeing the ruins. He is also curious about how the ancient people created them without modern technology and resources.

I am also very excited to meet Hatshepsut, the first of the woman pharaohs. Hatshepsut was important because she proved to the world that women could handle leadership just as well as men.  Ace would like to meet some of the Egyptian carpenters because they provided tools to help make the pyramids. He would like to learn how the carpenters broke the rocks into perfect squares to put on top of each other, and how the workers transported the blocks to the tops of the pyramids.

During our travels we will be filming (mostly me!) :), keeping travel journals, doing arts and crafts, writing book reviews, and other exciting projects. Stay tuned to learn how we discovered the time machine and how we use it!

We hope you will enjoy our new blog! 

                                              ~Ace and Adele


  1. Hi Ace and Adele! Time travel would totally be one of my super powers if, you know, I could be a super hero and actually pick my super powers (hmmm... maybe I need a Mac...?). I can't wait to read your posts!

  2. time travel + egypt = total awesomeness

    I can't wait to hear about your travels.

  3. Welcome to blogland, Ace & Adele! It is so interesting that you will be first venturing to Egypt! I'm looking forward to reading of your adventures!

  4. I can't wait to read about everything you see!

  5. Can't wait to read about your travels-- may you fall in love with researching & writing!

  6. I loved studying Egypt in school! We're in Boston and I've already taken my sons to our Museum of Fine Arts to see the mummies and other artifacts. I can't wait to share your adventures with them!

  7. Looking forward to your adventures. Adele, if you're as funny as the stories your mom shares, this outta be sooooo fun. :)

  8. Hello Adele and Ace! I'm keen to see where your computer takes you and am happy to follow along from a distance with my computer. I've never been to Egypt but did work for a year in Sudan, just upriver on the good old Nile...

  9. Cannot wait to read the blog posts, see the video, check out the exciting arts projects too! Totally awesome and clever idea for a blog :)

  10. How generous of you to share your travels with us! I look forward to reading about them.

  11. This is *exactly* the kind of thing the internet needs. Some escape and adventure! Can't wait to read...and learn from (I'm old and have forgotten many, many things) the stories you two choose to share. I'm in! :)

  12. Good luck with the blog! I love this idea.

  13. Hi Adele and Ace! Welcome to the blogosphere! Looking forward to your posts.

  14. I can hardly wait to read all about your travels!

  15. Such a great idea! I'm looking forward to reading about your adventures!

  16. I'm looking forward to reading more.

  17. Good for you two! I've taught ancient civilizations and I find it fascinating. I applaud you for your enthusiasm.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I LOVE to travel and I can't wait to read about yours! :-)

  20. Happy travels! I'm thrilled to be along for the journey!

  21. Looking forward to hearing about these wonderful adventures! Happy travels!

  22. Wow! Where did you find a computer to time travel? Alien+Apple technology for sure. I just ride in The TARDIS. Film! Ancient civilizations! Being human is great! I look forward to reading both of your perspectives.
    -The Doctor's Companion

  23. If you need a man in Cairo who can find anything, I'll introduce you to my friend Sallah.
